Discover essential tips and installations for adapting home spaces for older adults. Learn how to enhance safety and comfort in your home with expert guidance from SOS Assistance.

Qué instalaciones se deben realizar para adultos mayores en casa

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1. Essential Lighting Tips

The environment must be functional for the elderly, particularly in terms of lighting, to prevent difficulties in seeing spaces and objects. Consider ceiling installations with LED and daylight bulbs, which provide a broad range of light
and consume less energy.

Instalaciones de iluminación para casas con adultos mayores

(Imagen tomada de Unsplash por Aaron Huber)

If the person enjoys reading and has a suitable space, we suggest installing focal lamps or floor lamps.

2. Bathroom Safety Modifications

This is a critically important space in the home. Proper adjustments can provide greater independence and make bathing safe and enjoyable.

We recommend certain installations if the elderly person uses a wheelchair or has reduced mobility:

  • Sinks at least 80 cm wide.
  • Grab bars for support.
  • Showers with a seating area and non-slip silicone bars.
  • Toilets at an appropriate height to prevent difficulty standing up.
 Instalación de lavamanos, sanitarios y barras de sujeción.

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General Home Safety Tips for Seniors

Spaces should be wide and comfortable to navigate. If there are stairs or levels in the home, consider using non-slip tape to reduce the risk of slipping. Alternatively, a stairlift system can be installed. This allows the elderly person to sit and activate the system to move between floors safely.

Escaleras y adultos mayores.

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Making any of these installations for the benefit of the elderly requires expert execution to ensure quality and safety. At SOS Assistance, we can help make your home 100% suitable for your beloved grandparents.